Journaling Articles From

Journaling: The Key To Self Awareness

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I’m a big believer in self awareness as an important factor in success in life.  To me, journaling is about making my thoughts concrete.  Journaling is the way I talk to myself, figure out what’s important to me, and make goals and plans.   

Without writing things down, I forget things.  Without writing them down, I am not able to expand on my ideas for testing later.  

Journaling has also been key in helping me to track my progress in certain areas.  Whether it is tracking a habit or tracking blog progress, having this in my journal lets me keep it top of mind.  

Other things I use a journal with are: 

Off the top of my head, those are a few things that I have found helpful with journaling.  

Following are some recommendations for journaling:

I’ve put together a journaling supply store on Amazon.  You can see my favorite things here.  

Journaling For Beginners

If you’re just starting out with journaling, I suggest the following posts:

Journaling Tips and Techniques

I love finding new ways to use my journals.  That is why I got into bullet journals in the first place. There are so many ways to use your journal to improve your life.  

Here are some of my favorite journal and bullet journal tips:

Special Ways You Can Use Your Journal

You can use your journal in so many ways.  In fact, I wrote this post which includes over 145 lists and collections you can keep in your journal.  

Some other ways you can use your journal include:

Bullet Journal Supplies

You can many of my favorite journal supplies on my Amazon store by clicking here.

I’ve also reviewed some different notebooks, pens, and other items and you can see those reviews here:

Journaling Books To Read

I love reading and learning.  Since journaling is one of my favorite things, I’ve read a bunch of books on the topic.  I’ll leave some here for you:

The Bullet Journal Method

The Journal Writer’s Companion

How To Use Habit Trackerswritten by Rachel at Planning Mindfully

All Journaling Articles

Here is the complete list of journaling articles I’ve written.  Enjoy!